The Ministry of Health is a government ministry of Tanzania. Its central offices are located in Dodoma. Its mission is to “facilitate the provision of basic health services that are good, quality, equitable, accessible, affordable, sustainable[,] and gender sensitive“.
The President of the United Republic of Tanzania issued a Notice on assignment of Ministerial responsibilities (Instrument) vide Government Notice No.144 of 22nd April, 2016. In that Instrument, the President has created a Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children which is mandated for formulation of
(a) Policies on Health, Community Development, the Elderly Children and Gender and their implementation.
(b) Preventive and Curative Services.
(c) Chemical Management Services.
(d) Medical Laboratory Services.
(e) Medical Research and Nutrition.
(f) Food and Drug Quality Services.
(g) Medical Supplies.
(h) Promotion of Traditional and Alternative Medicine.
(i) Health Services Inspection.
(j) Family Planning.
(k) International Health and Medical Organizations.
(l) Coordination of NGO dealing with the functions under this sector.
(m) Coordination of International Organization under this sector.
(n) Performance Improvement and Development of Human Resource Service and their Implementation under this ministry.
(o) Extre-Ministerial Departments, Parastatal Organization and Projects under this ministry.
The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children is responsible for the following:-
1. Formulation of Health related policies
2. Provision of:
- Hospital services
- Preventive services
- Chemical management services
- Forensic science service
- Food and drug quality services
- Reproductive Health services
- Promotion of traditional medicine.
- Inspection of health services.
- Participating in international health and medical organizations
- Developing human resource under the Ministry
- Overseeing extra ministerial development parastatal and projects under the Ministry.
- Supervising government agencies under the Ministry.
To coordinate medical functions and health services delivery under the Ministry through four (4) Departments and two (2) Units as follows: –
- Department of Preventive Services
- Department of Curative Services
- Human Resources Development
- Department of Nursing and Midwifery Services
1. Health Emergence Preparedness and Response Unit
2. Pharmaceutical Services Unit
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